Monday, 31 May 2010


I looove this picture! especially how the background is neutral to the clothing their wearing, everything fits together well. The outfits are pink/cutsie/girly and so is the background and even the facial expressions are innocent and girly which plays really well for the ouftit and sets an image in your head. When I'm in second year I would like to take ideas from this to make my photography/styling as good!


I am trying to spend a much time as poss improving on my drawing skills...although these two pictures aren't perfect I like how you can see my own style in them.. Over the summer I am going to carry on drawing so I can become more accurate but also develop my own style alot more!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Carrie Bradshaw/Sarah Jessica Parker wannabe!

Ahhh so I went to see Sex and the City 2 the other day and I LOVED ITT! so many amazing garments and oh so glamorous fashion lifestyles! I just wish I lived Carrie Bradshaws (or even Sarah Jessica Parker's!!) life....ah well a girl can wish right?!?! Anyways more to the point, I feel I can take loads of inspiration from the crazy and beautiful clothing.

Saturday, 29 May 2010


Photo sourced from Weheartit and is by KITTY GALLANNAUGH
"We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls"
-Winston Churchill

pen to paper x2

Thursday, 27 May 2010

promotion it is!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was the big decision day! Fashion Design orrr Fashion Promotion! typico that I am half and half right!? but on thinking more about this I have decided I'm gonna go for Fashion Promotion as I lurveee the whole blogging/shiny magazine/styling/fashion journalism side LOTS! I am SO very EXCITED!!!!!!!!! eeeep roll on second year I say! We are also getting set a summer project, so I am very curious to see what this will be...

Monday, 24 May 2010

One of my tutors advised that I look at this website as it provides graduate fashion students work from their sketchbooks and I feel I can now start to think about how I can improve on my sketchbook and to make my illustrations less dated. Over the summer I will try lots of different styles of illustrations as I feel I want to improve lots for September.

-Akosua Afriyie Kumi
Kingston BA

Scary choices....

On Thursday we have to decide what pathway we are going to choose for second year and I LITERALLY have no clue which one to pick! eeeep! I'm half and half really! I mean I love design and making but then again I am really liking the journalism side... I am speaking to my tutors on Thursday so I shall update this then when I finally make my mind up!!!!!!!

CDP results :)

Hellooo sunshine! wow its been really sunny in btown at the moment so all is grand on that front! and I collected my Creative Design and Promotion results today and am pleased with my grade of 65 which equals to a 2:1 so not bad at all! On looking at what my tutors have said, I can take this and improve for upcoming projects. A few of the comments were:  'Look at other fashion contemporaries work to keep your work fresh and relevant' so taking this into consideration I will look more at the trend books and magazines so I can keep up to date more. And another one was to think about creating my technical sketches on the computer so over the summer I will try and practise on illustrator as much as possible!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


Bloggers....from tomorrow Top shops most recent collaboration line hits the Internet...(at dawn I may add) Meadham Kirchhoff's Auntum/Winter range will be selling out very quickly no doubt with its luxurious yet gypsie style. Think lace and lots of Gothic black..

I am impressed with all the pieces, and much prefer this range compared to Top Shops previous collaborations and only wish I had money burning in my pocket so I could spendspendspend on these gorgeous outfits!!!!

pen to paper...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010



Whilst blog hunting I came across this really cool website called & basically there's loads of images and you can create collages, which will be really help full for upcoming projects in September...and it literally takes minutes to complete one! hello beautiful sketchbooks! :)

turquoise oceans...

This is the material of which is going on the top half of the dress for my friend...I used a turquoise silk material and black lace netting over the top...the skirt half of the outfit will be black. Hopefully she'll like the colours/material choices.

fashion blog findings= ALICE POINT
Latest fashion, beautiful photography and even music to listen to whilst you browse...what more could you ask for in a blog???
Photo sourced from ALICEPOINT blog ^

clogs mhm :)

Ok so I decided that I would definitely not start liking clogs again (I mean I used to wear a black pair when I was like what 8?!?) but I'm quite ashamed to admit I am loving them! especially the wedge heel clogs! I actually have to get a pair! who would have thought they'd come back in fashion!?!
Diane Von Furstenberg clogs ->

Summer holidays have arrived...if alittle early!

Still haven't found a work placement so to keep myself sane-ish I am making a dress for friends birthday and am jazzing my coat up a bit by adding stitch manipulation and pretty shiny objects. I was also thinking that during in the summer I would benefit from designing and creating more clothes so I can really begin to create my own style and if the clothes are good enough maybe see if I can sell any of them.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Would I wear this myself? probably not. But can Katy Perry get away with it? yes most definitely. Fashion is all about self expression and Katy Perry is most certainly promoting this!

New blog findings...

This isn't actually a fashion blog but I found all the work on it very inspiring and the whole layout/look of the blog was very interesting....Thinking I should maybe start adding more images of my work to my page to make it more eye catching?! :)

Anyways take a ganders its pretty good:

OH and also I think kudz (the guy was does this blog) is gonna make my logo for my CV for me, so that should be pretty cool as his work is really good! but I shall post it on here when its completed!

latersss (:

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Final Review...

Overall everything pretty much went quite well and better then expected :) But to start with I got REALLY nervous and mucked up abit by forgetting what I was going to say...I guess this is natural though and next time we present our work I'll hopefully be more calm as I will know what to expect.

The tutors seemed to like my outfit bar a few changes that I would do if i was to make the garment again, such as maybe making the top of the dress slightly bigger and accessorising the model more with skyscraper heels and bigger bolder make-up.

In September when we start projects again I'll use all the constructive criticism from this project to improve my work.


Some WAY cool images are on this website! I will deffo's be looking on here when our next projects start for fresh inspiration

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

PPRD results...

Hi bloggers (: kinda long time no speak! ha anyway we got our PPRD results on Tuesday and much to my supprise I got 72 which is a FIRST! woohoo well chuffed as this is my first-first at uni...

I'm really pleased with my result as I worked really hard and blogged everyday (oh dear sad much?!?)
Once I collect my actual results form I can reflect and see how I can improve in order to get a higher grade next time!!!! :)