Sunday, 31 October 2010

Q awards...someone please buy me these outfits??

I officially love this outfit that Nadine Coyle is wearing at the Q awards!, I especially like how she has teamed the mini dress with an oversized blazer! I also haven't seen a dress like that before, it works very well with the graphic illustrations and black stipes, this is very inspiring towards final collections!!!

I am also very inspired by this outfit Ellie Goulding's wearing, very on style with the different textures; of hard edge meets delicate. 

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Pockets continued...

^ Back vent with lining
I found this process the most difficult out of all four, mainly I found putting the lining and calico together difficult, but once I had completed one side I found the rest relatively easy and was pleased with the final outcome.

^Invisible patch pocket
This was definitely my favourite pocket, very neat and I like the fact you can't see the stitch lines. When I first looked at this pocket I assumed it would be really easy to put together. In the end it wasn't too bad just had to construct together very slowly and accurately but I feel from doing this I will remember the steps more.

Friday, 29 October 2010


On Wednesday we had our first lesson on Kaledo from Caroline and I really enjoyed it. I am finding Kaledo easier then Illustrator in some ways but am still getting to grips with the programme. I think it will be very useful to be able to put our pattern pieces on from Lectra and be able to create a technical drawing alongside this.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Jetted pocket

After putting our Jackets together we started our pocket samples, the one above being a JETTED POCKET. I found the process quite difficult to start with as you have to be very precise, so with attempt number one I decided I wasn't happy, and wanted to learn from the situation and thus attempt two began. I feel my second attempt went a lot better and I followed the stitch line pretty much to the T so when pressed out it looked far neater.

More Illustration practise

Possible new front cover for Design Manual, need to have a go with different fonts etc though, but I feel this cover is more appropriate then the previous cover I had designed, as is alot more bolder.

On Friday we are having lessons on Kaledo which I'm looking forward to as I will then have more options when creating my design manual.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Possible page for Design Manual...

Just having a go at Illustrator again, I really like how this page has turned out; however I don't think its front cover material but definatly would look good in the booklet. Perhaps under the 'Research of Drape' section! I would also change the font as now looking at it I don't think it fits into my drape theme.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Draping inspirations

^ Christina Lovery ^

I love how the outfits are dramatic yet simple and how the drape is in quite an unusual place. I am going to try and use some of the same techniques furthur on in the project...



^ Jacket finished but not properly pressed, more pictures to come
The Jacket is finished! after many complex stages! pheww! I actually found myself really enjoying the whole process and again have gained so much! I feel alot more confident in myself now and think from the whole jacket proccess I am prepared for collection time!...bring it onnn! :)

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Working sketch for Jacket project

Here is my first attempt at using Illustrator to create my own working sketch, from past experience I have found drawing by hand takes a long time to perfect, whereas on Illustrator its much quicker and exact. I however need to practice much more to improve.

Jacket construction continued....

^sleeves in ^

^ shoulder pads ^

We have one day left to construct our Jacket, everything is falling into place nicely and the Jacket looks really good! we just need to add the lining, finish the colar and add buttons etc!!! More pictures to come.. 

Monday, 18 October 2010

Beginning ideas for front of Design manual

Taaa daaa heres my first first draft of my design manual cover, very basic but I thought I'd have a practise on Illustrator and see what I came up!...alot of work to be done on it, but turns out I'm not as much of a fail on Illustrator as I thought!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Group project...

I really like the cute graphic image on the front

In PPRD we have been set a group project; ^ This is our group item for MODIP . From looking at the object, we have worked out its a toothbrush holder/cup. We are going to create a range of 'two in one' items and have named our brand 'New British Lifestyle'

So far, so good...

^ Back View ^
^ Inside view (interfacing etc) ^

^ Front view (no collar attached) ^

^ Front view (colar attached) ^

Overall I am very pleased with how the construction went, we had to be very precise and make sure all notches matched properly, so understandably I was quite nervous, but nothing went majorly wrong. At the beginning of first year I thought I would never sew anything together without mistakes but I can see that I have learnt from first year mishaps! :)

Jacket construction..

We started the day by lay planing all our pattern pieces on our chosen jacket fabrics. In doing this I feel that when I'm industry I will know how to lay my pieces out in the best ecological way. we pretty much spent the whole day pinning and cutting out.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Jackets, Jackets, Jackets...

We have finally began delving into the second year and I am very much enjoying it so far!!! We have mainly been pattern cutting ready to construct our jackets, which has helped jog my memory from previous lessons and I also feel I am much quicker and accurate (so the saying practise makes perfect really is true!!!)

We begin constructing the Jacket tomorrow, so fingers crossed all my pieces will fit together correctly!!!