Monday, 28 March 2011

DYLON....Saviour of my FMP!

I have now decided I am going to be dyeing my own fabrics for my final major project, because I only need block colours, it shouldn't be too much trouble to dye it myself

10 most stylish women last week...

I was looking msn's best dressed the other day and am actually IN LOVE with this asymmetric dress that Kate Winslet is wearing by Stella McCartney. someone pretty please buy it for me?

On Another note PPRD work is done and dusted, all handed in today which is a nice relief! now to fully get on with Final projects!

Friday, 25 March 2011


PPRD deadline is steadily approaching (Monday in fact) however I am fully finished and ready to hand in which is quite a relief, so I can now spend the weekend focusing on my fashion as a forum essay!....

I really do live a very very wild lifestyle.

Claudia Castrase

I really like Claudia's Collection as the fabrics, style and general look represent my collection very well. I love the fact that you could wear it out or in the day as the fabrics look so versatile!!!


I have been thinking more and more about how I want my final collection to be styled and at the moment I am thinking make-up wise I will more then likely have smokey eyes, with a beautiful red lipstick!!! think it would definitely suit the collection best!!!

Monday, 21 March 2011

While we're on the note of shoes....(again)

I found these beauties (also named invisible shoes) whilst looking on a style blog! again would actually be perfect for my collection... as very structural!!!!

WOWWW. Iris Van Herpen

I am officially in. love. with. these. shoes.
However I do not have $995 to spare. Maybe one day can buy them in a sale for say er less then $100? hm maybe not!!

H&M Trend fashion video...

I was particularly interested in this A/W 2011 trend video as I noticed different shades of black are coming back...which is the base colour for my collection and also mentions about different shades of blues, which again is a key factor in my collection!

Rihanna and Vogue...

Rhianna is definitely a great choice for the cover US Vogue's shape issue!

Final fabric choices...

I am now nearing the end of final fabric sourcing...I'm pretty sure my fabrics are mainly going to come from the company 'Whaleys' of which is based in London and has some very nice cotton and wool based materials. And I am going to approach the course leader of Textiles to find a student who is willing to dye my fabrics for me!! Exciting times!!!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Final show...

The final year show is creeping up on us and fundraising must be done!!! We have done a bake sale so far, which raised around £60 so getting off to a good start! our next event is going to be quite a wacky one, so I am looking forward to this!!!!

We also found out for definite today that we will be needing six garments in order to get into the show, which is what I vaguely thought anyway. I have looked through my designs and am pretty sure I have chosen my extra two outfits! how exciting! I just need to continue hunting for suitable fabrics!!!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Vionnet and Emma Watson...

Odd combination yes...but a few weeks back the Telegraph online were guessing which celebs would wear which dresses to the Oscars and I think this dress from the Vionnet range is stunning and very different. some perrrlease buy me one?

Toile review numero deux...

Today was the big day of toile reviews....I was very nervous! Generally the whole toile went quite well and I am happy with all the little changes I need to make. I also found this time round with toile I had noticed before hand which changes I was going to have to make which is also a bonus. Can't wait to start making my collection in final materials! although there is a little way to go before then!!!!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Shoes for collection...

These shoes come in at an expensive £105...but I have deiced I HAVE to have these for my collection....actually beautiful shoes and they really fit in with my Bauhaus theme, with all the constructed shapes....Lets just hope one of my models has size 6 feet so I can keep them after!!!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Time flies...

Second year is actually going past so fast!!, is very scary but exciting at the same time! The 2nd Toile reviews are on the horizon and I am a busy bee trying to get everything finished in time- I feel this time round I am less panicked as am changing patterns as apposed to starting from scratch!

We are also now having our fashion show in London which is very good news!! just gotta pick up the work pace a lot in order to get it all done on time!!!

McQueen and I

Finallly got to watch McQueen and I, was actually crazy to find out how Alexander McQueen started his fast lane fashion career. I was amazed, disturbed and intrigued by all of his past pieces of couture clothing. I have so much respect for him and his daring designs and am inspired to push my own boundaries on how I design....

Escada reply...

I was really pleased with the reply I recieved from Escada, even though my designs didn't get picked in the end they sent a very positive letter back , so I didn't feel disheartened in the end! "We were absoloutely impressed by your creativity and the beauty of the dress you have designed" (Pretty sure they sent this letter to everyone who entered, but still!)

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Fashion as a forum...

I have been continuing writing up notes ready to begin my fashion as a forum essay and found a perfect research site for my chosen subject!