Thursday, 13 January 2011

Ethical design lecture...

Our first lecture of 2010 was based on Ethical fashion, and ethical fabrics. I found this interesting as tried to make my manifesto very ethical based. One section I found the best, was about the different fabrics and how they are made. I was really shocked at how bad some of the materials are to make; such as silk, which in order to make so drapable is made from silkworm cocoons. Of which they boil to kill the silkworms before they rip the cocoon. This process seems overly cruel to me and made me think about where I might source my material from in the future!

Lecture website:

And here's a link for a dress I really like on the Offset website:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodie,

    Thanks so much for the kind words. Really great to hear about what tomorrow's designers find inspiring! (And we LOVE the Carlotta dress too! ; )

    We'd love to feature your comment on our site, to give other interested students a little insight into what they might learn - could you drop us a line at info(@) ??

    Thanks! Bridie.
