Saturday, 13 November 2010

Draping day two...

Today went alot better then day one of draping and I feel that I have slightly improved on the whole draping thing, I basically went at the situation with a different mindset and instead of having two pieces of material (one for front and one for back) I used one piece for the top, making a hole where the head would be and then one piece for the skirt. Ending up with a low back and higher neck front. I really like my final drape and am now going through the process of creating a pattern from my drape, which I have to say isn't very easy, but I'm just taking things slow in order to try and not make too many mistakes.

On monday I think I am going to go into uni (on my day off....commited or what haha) to try a different way of draping by pretty much creating a 'large pillow case' and again cutting a hole in the top where the head would be to see what different outcomes could come out of it!

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